Weighted blankets

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Weight-bearing blankets for relaxation and therapeutic support

Weighted blankets, like weighted quilts, are products that have been developed to support mental and physical health. They provide support in sensory therapy for children and adults who struggle with sleep difficulties, stress or other stresses, such as sensory integration disorders, ADHD, autism or Down syndrome. The therapeutic effect of the load blankets manifests itself through stimulation of the vestibulo-priopriocentric system, which is responsible for deep sensation and body orientation.

Benefits of using weight blankets

There are many benefits to using weighted blankets. Among the most important of these are:

  • mental and physical health support,
  • improving sleep quality and concentration,
  • stress reduction,
  • support for sensory development,
  • helping you to calm down.

How to choose a weight blanket?

The selection of a load blanket is quite straightforward. It requires only two parameters to be taken into account:

  • the weight of the blanket - should be 10-15% of the user's body weight
  • size - the blanket should be 20-30 cm longer than the height of its user
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